BrightBird App
BrightBird is an app that I designed that focuses on helping preserve birds and the environment that they live in! The app has useful information in it that focuses on showing the user what they can do to help the environment. Users can upload pictures they took of birds, along with using bird identification information to find out what bird they saw. they can also find other users around them and see what pictures they're posting.

Social Media Ads
I created social media advertisements for Casa Maria Catholic Worker Society which is a home that helps provide shelter for women and children that are in need. I used imagery mixed with simple overlays of their brand colors to create two advertisements.

Book Cover Design
I redesigned a set of three books that belong to the author Terry Pratchett with his “Discworld” series. The Discworld books are about life on a flat disk shaped earth resting on the back of four giant elephants riding a huge sea turtle through space. The disc world is full of magic and strange happenings.

Album Cover Design
I designed this cover remake of Post Malone’s new album“Hollywood’s Bleeding”. I wanted combine both elements of Illustrator, and Photoshop to create a cover that fit the music and emphasized the meanings behind the songs.

Cider Can Design
I created a wrap for a can that is for a company called “Hummingbird Hard Cider”. I wanted the design to be bright to represent the hummingbird’s colors, while also being able to show the flavor of the cider through the colors on the feathers in the design.

Movie Poster Design
I illustrated these two posters, one being an old movie (Jurassic Park), and one being a new movie (Joker). I wanted these movies posters to have a retro neon feeling to them.

I created three logos for three different brands: Mountain Crest Coffee, Terracotta Studios, and Sunset Guitars. Sugar Mill apartments is an apartment complex, Mountain Crest Coffee, which is a coffee company that sources its beans from the Appalachian mountains, Terracotta Studios which is a ceramics studio using clay and glazes to create pottery, and Sunset guitars, which is a company that creates guitars and its’ brand focuses on the ocean and the beach to create a “California surfer” style.

Sugar Mill Logo
This is a logo that I designed for an apartment complex. Showing the final product, and the process of getting there.

Lemonade App
Lemonade is an app that I and two other individuals designed with me leading the design. I designed the Lemonade Logo and icons including the hands, heart, and gift box. The app focuses on young entrepreneurs who are looking to practice business around the whole “lemonade stand” idea.

American Airlines Advertisements
I illustrated three American Airline advertisements that focused on their colors and slogan of “The standard of America”. I created one spread, one full page, and a third page ad. All of these were illustrated in Illustrator with a Wacom Tablet.